Briefcase Bag for Casual Travel
Livraison offerte partout en France
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Are you looking for a nice quality handbag for yourself?
Discover this canvas model which is specially made for men. Its quality is remarkable, precisely because of the material with which it was made: polyester.
Just by touching it, you immediately feel that the outer pattern is solid and robust.
This bag will be able to support all your belongings, whether you are a worker or a student. Also take advantage of its cord which makes it a very practical shoulder bag.
Convenient top quality product
The fact that it has this feature means that carrying this bag will not tire you. Note that this model can be used as a travel bag given the fact that it has a drawstring.
Therefore, you can put all your stuff in it, without exception. In reality, it is a kind of catch-all.
This shoulder bag has a large capacity
It has a pocket inside that will be very useful for storing your important documents or your wallet.
Its type of closure is zip. Which can be very practical especially when you are in a hurry to open your bag to take something from it. Gray in color, it goes everywhere and is perfect for any style of man.
Material: Canvas
Width: 10cm
Length: 31cm
Height: 24cm
Weight : 1kg
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